Commissioned By Christ Trip July 6-15, 2017
This video highlights the great work achieved by those from the Commissioned By Christ trip on July 6-15, 2017 in Kenya! The girl's dormitory for 500 girls is in progress with the help of these great teams! Thanks to all of the 20 volunteers who came to Kenya this year to help with the construction of the student dormitories! The trip was so memorable for all and connected us directly to the village of Lare and its wonderful people!
Thank you to ULLICO for supporting this trip with volunteers and for all the help on the races we are hosting to raise funds to help Sr. Rose to fulfill the dream of education for all.
We invite you to join next year's trip to Kenya planned for July 5-15, 2018 by visiting the Commissioned by Christ website at Sign up now before it fills up!
Video courtesy of Carmen Hamm.